Gakken Update, June

Gakken’s really gone into a hole with their Otona no Kagaku (adult science) kit series. They’ve stopped sending out their email newsletters, and there hasn’t been a “new” product in maybe a year. The last toys were things for kids (making pictures or dolls) over 9 months ago, which I had no interest in. The only new things have been re-releases of old kits under the “Best Selection” title. First had been the Pinhole Planetarium (BS01) in January.

Then, in June, Gakken released BS02, the Dual Lens 35mm Film Box Camera. The magazine has been scaled down to 24 pages (including instructions), while the kit price is still at 2,980 yen (without the 8% sales tax). This camera is fun to build, but the price of film and processing relegates it strictly to a bookshelf oddity. It’s not going to replace your smartphone, if that’s why you want to buy it. Not recommended unless you can get it at a discount.